
DP a Nightmare to RememberCH8A

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Chapter 8 Evil Has Returned

As the dust settled over the camp ground Addison, Melanie and the rest of the crew who helped liberate it from shear disaster, started to help get the towns people up and clean up what was left of the mess in the middle of the barn.

When the other half of the team showed up Danielle and Carlos were thrilled that they had won the battle against Nocturne. “Man, Danny and Carrie are going to be thrilled when they hear about this.” Carlos shouted as he and Danielle gave a high five of success.

Addison though hung his head low with what he thought were the remains of Danny Phantom and Carrie Angel’s clothes one piece had a little broken piece of Danny’s emblem and so did the other of Carrie’s. “Aunt Mel, what wrong with Uncle Addi?” Danielle asked with a worried look on her face.

“Ah guys, this is hard for me to explain…but, during the blast, when we came into the room where the weapon was; we saw Danny trying to free Carrie. After the blinding light...” Melanie trailed off knowing that it was going to be hard to tell them. Danielle and Carlos though can see what this was coming to, and Danielle just let the water works go as Carlos comforted her in this time of need. “I’m truly sorry. We tried to get to them as fast as we could.” Melanie stated as she kneeled down in front of them, starting to tear up too. Carlos tried to hold back but that wasn’t working as both halfas jumped into Melanie’s arms and cried.

“Don’t worry guys, we’ll watch over guys when you need our help will be there in a flash.” Mel said as she sniffled. Ember and Eric came up to the three and them and hung their heads low as they saw the three crying and Addison just sitting on a pile of debris   starring into space tuning out anyone who came by him.

“How are we going to tell our family and friends when we wake them up?” Danielle asked as she wiped her eyes with her gloves.

“Guys, we’re not going to wake them up just yet. We’ll wait until we wake up the rest of the town and once everyone is gone, then we’ll wake them up and tell them when they’re ready. Let’s get the town cleared out of here.” Eric replied as he started to pry the helmets off some of the victims. “You guys hit the switches then start pulling the helmets off. But leave these people alone for now. Don’t wake them until we clear out the rest of these people.” Eric ordered the other specters showing them the photos of the Fenton Family and friends.

“Got it Corporal guys get to work.” The leader of the group ordered and one by one they started to pull off the helmets.

Addison though just watched the snow fall as he looked down at the tattered pieces of clothing clenching his fist in sadness. “I can’t believe they’re gone. I failed miserably on protecting those two; my afterlife is useless now.” Addison said as a single tear started to fall from his cheek.
He then felt the presence of a couple of hands on his shoulders and on his back. He looked up and saw Danielle, Carlos, and Mel looking down at what they thought was left to the ghost heroes.

“Don’t beat yourself up Uncle Addi. It’s because of that Nocturne; he was the one that captured everyone and destroyed them, this was his doing.”  Danielle scowled as her eyes started to glow bright green.

Addison smiled down at her before patting her head. “Your right, Danielle, I may not be able to protect Danny and Carrie anymore. But I am going to make sure nothing happens to you two while I’m around.” He replied as he grabbed all three of them and they all joined in a family hug. Their bonding time went by for quite some time, until Addison felt a sharp pain in his chest. “What the heck is wrong with me? I’m already a ghost. How do I have this awful pain?” Addison asked himself as he grunted and held his hand on his chest.

The other three where shocked to see his pain and they were also wondering why he was having this problem. “Hey sweetie, you had this last time when we were having our fun in the pond and we found out that Danny and Carrie were in trouble. Maybe this is a connection to them, so if you’re still having this pain, maybe it means that they’re still alive.” Melanie explained while she pondered at this.

This was actually starting to lift their spirits as slim as it was; they were not going to give up hope that Danny Phantom and Carrie Angel were still alive. Just then one of the guards yelled to them. “Recon, Prowler, you guys better come and take a look at who we found.” One of the Commando specters said. Sure enough the rest of group quickly flew over to check it out; who they saw lying on the floor with helmets still on their heads was none other than Richard Gallon and Amy Demon.

“Well, well, well, look at what we got here.” Carlos mocked as the group except for the seal team saw Amy and Richard with their helmets still on their heads.

“Eric, go wake up those cops. Carlos, Danielle, by any chance do either of you have a thermos on you right now?” Addison asked the two clones. Danielle nodded and she pulled out hers and passed it to Mel.  Without hesitation, she quickly activated it and Amy was sucked in with no trouble.

“Now that problem of Amy is gone, let’s wake up this clown and put him back behind bars.” Carlos said as he powered up his hands. They all agreed and asked Carlos of doing the honors of waking up Richard.

He didn’t waste a second, and smirked as he quickly blasted the helmet into little pieces.  A few seconds after the blonde 16-year old boy started to open his eyes and got up slowly. “Man what happened? What’s going on? And where am I? Amy you here?” he asked himself. His reply though wasn’t Amy, but he went wide eyed and quickly shot his hands up when he heard eight weapons cock or charge up.

“Don’t make any sudden movements, jerk. You’re going back to prison.” Melanie said in a deadly tone.

Richard got mad that he was captured again by the same woman that he killed a few weeks back. Minutes later the cops arrested Richard and took the thermos that Amy was still sleeping in and called in a squad car to take them back to prison. They were the last to leave that were awake. Now the only ones that they had to wake up were Jack, Maddie, Lauren, Vlad, Sam, Tucker, Alan, Jazz, Valerie, and Steve.

“Guys I think it’s best if we wake everyone back up at FentonWorks. That way, if we see Danny and Carrie there, then we can fix ourselves up and search for Nocturne.”  Melanie suggested to the entire group.

“I call taking Eric home.” Ember shouted quickly. Everyone just cocked an eyebrow wondering why she would shout that quickly to say his name. Danielle and Carlos snickered toward think that she was having feelings for him; even though she came with a good comeback, “Hey, I’m not the one who’s going to have to carry the big guy in the orange jump suit.” Ember snorted smirking at the rest of the ghosts.

All of them quickly picked some out and the ones who got the short end of the stick were Danielle, Carlos, and three of the spec op’s commandos into carrying Mr. Fenton. And once they were ready, they all flew off back to the lab.

Nocturne though kept a close eye on them as they left. “As long as they have those few who are sleeping for now, I got plenty of strength to summon only a few sleepwalkers. I’m going to use them to make sure that those ghosts don’t ruin plans.” He said before he flew off into the cold winter sky, looking for a new base of Operations.


Flying home back to FentonWorks, Danny was still in rage as he carried Carrie in his arms. She never opened her eyes once, neither did she move or stir. Danny had tears coming out of his eyes as he looked down at his girlfriend’s pretty face and watched her long silver hair fly in the wind.

“Don’t worry Carrie, I going to get back at the bastard who this to you, and we will be together.” Danny said to himself. He now had FentonWorks in sight and he quickly flew through the shield, right down into the lab.

As soon as he got onto the lab floor, he walked over to one of the tables that did not have any ghost hunting equipment laying on it. He then gently placed his delicate Angel down on the table and covered her up to her neck to only reveal her face. He stared for a minute while rubbing her cheek with his hand, “I’ll be right back Carrie. I’m going to get some sweet and bitter revenge on Nocturne and then I will join you.” Danny said to who he thought was his dead girlfriend; while his voice sounded deeper when he made this last statement, before he flew off to find his foe that killed his girl.

As he just left to go find Nocturne to settle his revenge on what he did, Addison and the rest of the group carrying their family and friends came in sight of FentonWorks. They landed slowly when they noticed that the shield was down. This was either a good sign or a bad one. “Everyone, wait out here. Mel, Ember, we are going to check out who the hell is in here.” Addison said as he pulled out his battle rifle ready to strike.

Everyone agreed as the three specters ran into the house to see who it was that deactivated the ghost shield. All three of them phased through the front door, landing on the floor in a battle stance and listening to see who was here. “Ember you take the top floor. Melanie, you take the lab. I’m going to search the main floor. If we find anything get on the Fenton phones and yell for us, let’s go.” Addison ordered, and with that the three of them split up to see who it was that was invading the Fenton’s home.

When Melanie reached the lab she, at first, noticed that everything was the same in the lab as they left it; except for the Fenton portal was closed and that the scanners on the ghost shield were deactivated. She walked over to the computer to see if anything was out of the normal. “Addison sweetie, there’s nothing down here in the lab except for the shield switch deactivated. I’ll be up to see you guys...” she stopped speaking when she turned around and saw Carrie in the far corner laying down not moving and only her head visible as the rest of her body was lying under a sheet.

“Melanie?” Addison called in concern.

“Guys! Get down here now! I found Carrie but Danny is nowhere in sight!” Mel said in an urgent tone as she flew up to see if Carrie was ok. As she came close to the girl halfa she was concerned if she was dead or not. “Come on Carrie, please wake up.” Melanie said to herself as she pulled the cloth off the girl and noticed that Carrie’s top was torn with her black bra showing and that she had scrapes and cuts all over her tender little body.

Addison, Ember, and the rest of the group came downstairs as fast as they can and saw Melanie, trying anything to revive the girl. “Oh no, sis, please wake up!” Carlos pleaded as he came up to the table. Addison and Danielle pulled him back so that he wouldn’t get in the way of Melanie’s work.     

“Carlos, give her room. Let Mel figure out if she’s ok or not.” Danielle added as she held Carlos close to her. He couldn’t help it though; he started crying on her shoulders. Danielle smiled and patted his back trying to comfort him. “It’s going to be ok Carlos don’t worry.” Danielle added as she rested her head on his with a single tear running down her face.

Both of them looked deep into each other’s eyes and were about to kiss when they interrupted by Melanie’s shouting. “I found a pulse! Addison, find me an IV bag that’s full! Carlos, Danielle, find me whatever warm blankets there are down here! Ember, if you’re good at sewing, I want you to take Carrie’s phantom suit top and try to fix it please, and get the others to help put the family and friends to bed until we get the whole gang back! Let’s move it people!” Melanie ordered as everyone quickly went to work.
“Don’t let go, Carrie, hang in there. We’ll get you all better, sweetie.” Mel said in a soothing tone and smiling down at the young girl halfa wondering if she can hear them.

Once they were done giving whatever aid they can to get Carrie better, all they could do now was wait. It was up to her now if she wanted to get up or not and it looked like it was going to take some time. Ember volunteered that the gang was going out to search for Danny and to help him fight Nocturne.

“I’m just wondering how we’re going to get close to this guy and stop him. I mean it looked liked Carrie unleashed her ultimate attack on that ghost and look what it did to her. It must have been able to shoot it back right at her.” Addison implied trying to think while scratching Bandit’s head to help; the dog was whining for Carrie and kept his head on the table hoping Carrie would wake up.

All of them were pondering, except for Danielle who was looking around the lab to see if she could find anything that was capable of going up against this ghost.  She then found what looked to be three Fenton V1000 Prototype thermoses on the back shelf. She grabbed all three of them and stacked them on the table where her father was working before he was taking by the sleepwalkers. She then noticed what was on the table. “Hey Uncle Addi, Aunt Mel, you better come and check this out. I think dad was making these for your Christmas presents.”

Both specters came over and saw the thermoses and the gifts that were meant for them. Melanie was surprised when she saw her gift lying down on the floor. Thank god for her strength or else she wouldn’t have been able to pick it up. It was basically a Fenton Gatling blaster with a harness so that it was able to be fired from the hip. When she strapped it on she was thrilled at the fire power she was holding as it activated to her signature.

“That ghost has got another thing coming to him when he sees the firing his way.” Melanie said as she charged up the huge blaster in her hands smiling sinisterly.
Addison couldn’t help but comment on how hot Mel looked with that huge gun ready to strike. She blushed and giggled a little before she unstrapped it and put it down for now.

“Uncle Addi, I think these are for you.” Danielle pointed out what looked to be two wrist bracelets. Addison was wondering why he had gotten these two little things that looked they were meant for Melanie while she got the huge Gatling blaster. He shrugged and decided to put them on. Though he was amazed when they activated two giant yellow katana blades shot up from his hands; they were at least four to five feet long.

“Now I’ll be able to spar with you, Sweetie.” Addison said with a chuckle as he started swing to get a feel of the bracelets on his hands.

“Ok, I think it’s time to go find Danny. We can help him bring down Nocturne and get back to enjoying the holidays.” Carlos said as he pounded his fist into his other hand. Everyone agreed and they were about to head out in search for Danny, until Ember shouted that Carrie was starting to open her eyes.

Everyone except for the specter seal team gathered in on Carrie’s table as she was squinting from the lights. Carrie was under the blankets, with an IV in her arm and her top was removed so all you can see was the straps to her bra while under the blankets. She also had on an oxygen mask to help give her fresh air to breath. “What’s going? What happened to me? Where am I? Is this heaven?”  Carrie asked in a weak, soft, and groggy tone.

Everyone was glad and relieved that she was alive and awake. Melanie quickly told everyone to move so she can see how she was doing. “Its ok sweetie, you’re back at FentonWorks and alive and well. We’re going out to help Danny and stop Nocturne.” Melanie said in a calm voice while feeling that Carrie’s temperature was coming back to normal from being cold.

Carrie’s pink eyes shot right open as she bolted up straight and wanted to go help and look for him, because there was something wrong with him. “Carrie you’re too hurt, just rest. Don’t worry, we’ll be back with Danny.” Danielle said as she tried to calm her down.

Carrie though had this fear in her eyes that something was wrong. “Guys, before I was knocked out, something was different with Danny. His eyes were a different color. They weren’t green…they were red! I’m not kidding! And it scared me a little, since I usually don’t get scared.” She explained as Ember helped her to lie down and relax to let her wounds heal.

“Don’t worry Car, we’ll be careful. Just get some rest. Ember, make sure she doesn’t move around too much.” Addison said as the rest of the team took off and searched for Danny and Nocturne.

“Ember, let me go seriously. They don’t know what they’re getting into. I’m the only one that can get through to Danny now.” Carrie argued as she tried to get up again even though Mel told her to rest. Ember put her hands on her and told her to relax. When she was better and got her shirt fixed, they would go out and find him. “Ok I just hope he’s ok.” Carrie replied as she lay back down while Ember went to work on her shirt.

Out in Amity Park’s late night quiet city…

Danny was on the war path. He didn’t care what he looked like; being all beaten up and looking like he just came back from a battle. He wanted pure revenge for what Nocturne did.
“Where is that no good for nothing bastard? He can’t be that far.” Danny said as his voice sounded like two different people at once. He then realized that he would go back to where he first started to try to take over the world. Danny quickly flew in the direction down towards the docks and warehouse district.

The team though was trying to get a hold of him through his Fenton Phone, but there was no response. “Ok guys, we’re splitting up into teams of two. Mel, I want you to stay with Carlos and Danielle. I’m not making the same mistakes again on this one.” Addison ordered. The seal team nodded and took off. Eric and the others stayed for a sec and asked why he did this. “Eric’s going to follow me with his car and I want you guys to stay together and in reserve. I’m not going to lose you guys after I almost you Mel. And I almost lost Danny and Carrie, stay back and get those helmets off the rest of the family. They’re probably still powering that bastard who’s hiding right now. I’ll be back with Danny and Eric. Stay, I love you.”  Addison said before he kissed his wife and took off with Eric following behind in his car. The two halfa clones and Melanie watched them disappear down the road.

At the Mattress Warehouse, Nocturne was getting the last of his sleepwalkers to try and build his dream machine again. “Let’s get a move on, you lazy sleepwalkers! Do I have to do everything around here?!” Nocturne said annoyingly as his sleepwalkers were trying to get the work done. Just then the roof exploded leaving a giant hole and Danny Phantom was seen floating there looking mad as hell. “Ah, ghost boy, come to surrender your dreams.” Nocturne said as he smirked with delight.

Danny’s eyes were shot blood red, before replying in a mix voice. “No. I’m here to get rid of you once and for all.” Before he built the red ecto energy and launched it towards the dream ghost.

Not too far in the distance, Addison and Eric stopped to try and find out where Danny could have gone.  Just then, they heard a very large explosion from across town, “I don’t know about you, Corporal, but something tells me that he’s where the explosion came from and it did not sound good.” Eric implied as he pointed to the giant dust cloud in the distance.

“Lets get moving, Eric and call me Addison. I did my service.” Addison said as he smiled and took off towards the dust cloud. Eric smiled and followed suit with his car.

It wasn’t long until they entered the business district and they were watching the streaks of ecto beams shoot across the sky. Suddenly, a stray beam hit Eric’s car and rolled it onto its side. Addison gasped to see this and he quickly pulled his friend out before the car exploded.

“Eric you ok?” Addison asked in concern as he sat him down up against a wall and tried to wake him up. Eric opened his eyes and told Addison that he was alright; he wanted him to go to help his cousin. Addison nodded and quickly flew off towards the mattress warehouse.

As he got there, he was shocked to see the whole place collapse and the sleepwalkers that were trying to run away were getting blown to bits. “Come on, ghost boy. I’m too powerful, you’re defeated.” Nocturne snarled as he swung at Danny.

Danny just glared at him and fired a red ecto beam towards the evil dream ghost. “I don’t think so, dick. You’re going down and never coming back, when I’m done with you. You took the life of a sweet innocent girl and you’re going to pay dearly FOR EVER DOING THAT!” Danny shouted as he split into four and charged towards Nocturne at great speed.

Nocturne gasped and started to fly off towards town with four Dannys on his tail. Addison watched as the two took off into town. “If Danny and Nocturne created that much damage at the warehouse factory, who knows how much damage they would cause to the innocent civilians in town.” Addison said to himself with a concern tone and he took off towards the direction of where they went.

“HOLD STILL, JERK! SO I CAN TAKE YOU OUT.” All for Dannys said in unison as they fired at the Dream Ghost. Nocturne though just laughed sinisterly as he kept on dodging every attack that went flying into a building or something.

“Nice try Phantom, but you will have to do better than that to try and take me down.” Nocturne said as he blasted away one of Danny’s copies. Danny got furious and pushed on charging towards Nocturne.

“Danny, wait up, man! Let’s take him out together! You’re right now doing more harm then good! Wait up!” Addison shouted, not far behind him. Danny only ignored him as he kept on pressing the attacks. Addison had to think fast on his feet as he tried to keep up with them. “Alright guys, I got Nocturne and Danny heading down to Main Street towards the park. Try to stop Nocturne and help Danny, we’ll cut them off! Move now, over!” Addison announced over the headsets each and every one of the specter seal team moved in like a wolf pack coming in for the kill on a wounded beast out in the forest.

Thinking that Nocturne has gotten away, he looked back to see that he was losing Danny and even farther behind him, this new ghost that is coming up behind him. “Who the hell is this one sneaking up on the ghost boy? He must have been the one who was in the raid back on my conp... Argh!” Nocturne said as he was shot right out of the sky by the specters seal team.  

Danny quickly followed suit and watched where the dream ghost crashed. “Alright guys, circle him and surround him. We got him trapped and don’t shoot Phantom, I say again, don’t shoot Phantom.” Addison announced as they all landed with Danny and Nocturne in the center still not able to get up.

“I think it’s time we put you away for good.” Addison said as he started walking forward, but just as he was about to activate the prototype thermos, Danny quickly lunged forward towards Nocturne and started punching him ruthlessly.

The rest of them were shocked to see Danny repeatedly punch the dream ghost in the face, until he was begging for mercy. “Please ghost kid, I beg of you stop this! Please, I won’t do anything like this again! I am truly sorry!” Nocturne pleaded as Danny kept the punches going.

“Danny, that’s enough! He suffered enough, cuz. Let’s put him away forever.” Addison implied as he came up to his cousin and touched his shoulder. As soon as this happened though, Danny quickly turned around, having the most evil look on his face and fired a red ecto blast upon Addison. This sent him flying back until he hit a nearby wall.  

“Guys put the restraints on him! Take him down now!” The team leader of the specter spec ops team commanded and they all jumped at once trying to subdue Danny. One by one though they were all beaten and knocked unconscious.

“Seriously, do you think you could stop me with this arsenal? Pity you, thought you destroyed me a few weeks back. But guess what, Recon punk. I’m back and I am fulfilling my dream of taking over this world and the Ghost Zone.” Danny said in a familiar deep voice as he started walking towards Addison.

Addison started to wake up and saw that Danny was walking towards him with his fists glowing bright red.  Something was really wrong, this was not the Danny he knew. The real Danny would have let him put Nocturne back in the Ghost Zone and he would never hurt anyone he loved.

“Who are you? And what happened to Danny?” Addison asked as he tried to grab his rifle. Danny though quickly saw this and flew right up to him pinning up against the wall by the neck.

“You don’t know? I guess you thought you would never see me again. But guess what, I can’t die, as long as Danny lives, I live.” Danny replied though the voice was really different, and the gears in Addison’s head started to turn and to his shock finally saying the name of a villain that they thought they killed weeks earlier.

“Dark Dan! How the hell did you escape and what did you do with Danny?” Addison asked as he was thrown by Danny’s hand into another building; which was abandoned from weeks earlier.

“Danny is cooped up in his mind right now, while I am controlling his body. And as for the second part of your question, even though my body did get blasted along with King Pariah with that powerful attack you four did, I quickly let my spirit free. When I saw his mouth opened during the attack I snuck right in and waited until now. Its a pity though that you wont be around when I go after everyone else. Now that I am in control, you are the only one who is standing in my way.” Dark Dan’s voice said as he was walking towards Addison in Danny’s body.

“You will never win, Dark Dan. Because we will always find new ways to stop you and succeed at doing it. Now let’s tango.” Addison replied before his entire aura and eyes turned completely solid yellow and his bracelets activated his two giant blades.

“I see you have a new trick, let’s go into over time.” Dark Dan said as he charged forward towards Addison with Danny’s Body.

Addison, though was thinking in the back of his mind. He wanted to get rid of Dark Dan but he did not want to hurt Danny due to the fact Dark Dan was controlling him. That split second of hesitation cost him, because while Addison was thinking Dark Dan gave him a powerful upper cut right to the gut. Addison’s eyes shot wide open as he felt the pain that went straight through his body and he collapsed forward, falling to the ground hard; he curled up to try and ignore the pain.

“You know, you’ve gotten better at sneak attacks but you will never defeat good, Dark Dan. Danny, if you can hear me fight him in there!” Addison shouted with a grunt in his voice as he started to get up slowly. Dark Dan landed in front of him and started walking towards the specter who was trying to get up.

“He can’t hear you, Recon. He’s trapped inside, unable to get out reaching you. Now let’s finish this.” Dark Dan said as he lit up his hand to fire. Addison watched and waited for the attack. Something happened though. Dark Dan never released the attack. His hands were shaking and his power was starting to die down. “What’s happening, no?” Dark Dan protest as he held both of his hands on his head like he was having a massive headache.

“Recon, get out of here while you have the chance! Please, get help! You can’t stop him alone, he destroyed the Fenton phone! Go, get out of here!” Danny’s voice came out of his mouth.

“Shut up, you little brat and stay down there! I’m in control here.” Dark Dan’s voice replied as he was starting to take back control.

This is what Addison needed; he quickly took off into the sky head towards FentonWorks. “Sir will take care of Nocturne. Help him out and bring him back to normal.” The specter seal team leader said as one of his guys sucked Nocturne into the Fenton Thermos V-1000

“Hey! Get back here! I’m not finished with you, Recon.” Dark Dan shouted as he flew off after Addison.

Addison ignored him and got on the radio to anyone at FentonWorks. “We got a big problem, guys. Danny is not himself. I’m heading back to FentonWorks and he’s on my tale. Whatever you do, stay back. Mel, Danielle, and Carlos, I’m going to need you to surround the area in front of the house and stay hidden until I give a signal to pounce. Got it?” Addison announced has he fired his battle rifle back at Dark Dan but just to keep him back and not hit Danny.

“Wait…is there something you’re not telling us? What is wrong with Danny? And why did you say that he’s not himself, Uncle Addi?” Danielle asked through the radio with the sound of her being concern.

Addison took a moment of silence before he explained to them that Dark Dan was back and that he somehow has taken control over Danny’s body. He survived the fatal blow that Danny, Carrie, Addison, and Melanie gave him a few weeks back and he’s been dormant until now.  Everyone who heard this was shocked to find out what has happened.

“Don’t worry, we’ll be ready. Just to let you know, the helmets are off and they’re just resting on their own. If you want us to wake anyone to help, just tell us.” Carlos stated on the radio. Carrie, who was on the other side of the lab with Ember fixing her shirt, was listening to what the others were saying. Since she couldn’t hear what Addison was saying, she can only read the shock and concerned frightening expressions on their faces.

“What’s going on? Is everything ok?” She asked with a quirked eyebrow while sitting up once more.

“Angel, don’t worry, it’s just Danny and Addison coming back to FentonWorks. You have to relax and stop moving ok? You need to get your strength back.” Ember explained as she put her hands on Carrie to lay her back down on the table.

“Ember, you’re not listening. Please, I need to talk to Danny. He’s in big trouble and I’m the one who can stop it.” Carrie said as she was still arguing with her friend. Ember told her not to worry; if they needed her help they would call her. Carrie knew she wasn’t going to win so she lay back down and watched as the rest of her friends take off upstairs to greet Danny and Addison.

When they got outside, Mel with her new toy told the clones to each hide someplace so they can surround them. “Got it Aunt Mel, be careful out there.” Danielle said as she hugged her before she and Carlos took off to different parts of the streets.

“Don’t worry, honey everything is going to be all right.” Mel replied to her before she went and hid behind the actual alley way that she was killed in a while back just across from FentonWorks.
All three of them watched as Addison landed down on the street hard in a battle stance and not far after him, Dark Dan landed about fifty feet away. The look on his face was deadly and scary.

“Sweetie, we’re in position. Ready for your word, just say when.” Melanie said on the radio speaking around the corner with her back against the wall.

Addison didn’t say anything; he just started talking to Dark Dan. “What is your plan now anyway Dark Dan? Make your world come true as usual?”  Addison shouted as he got into a defensive stance.

Dark Dan just chuckled before he started saying... “You know, that is still my main goal but I got other Ideas now that I’m using this body, and that’s to create an offspring of my own to carry on with my legacy. And Angel is going to help me once remove her DNA from her lifeless body and cross feed it with Phantoms here, along with a little bit of mine. I will be using the lab to create the little guy; it will be the perfect Christmas present a specter could ever ask for.”

Addison and the rest who were hiding couldn’t believe what he was saying this was by far the most evil plot and ghost that they ever fought. And they still couldn’t hurt Danny.

Just then Dark Dan was starting to have headaches as Danny’s voice once again trying to take control, “You are not ever going to touch my Carrie, you swine! Recon if you have to, destroy us both! I’m trying to fight him in my mind but AH...!”

“Shut up and stay down you little maggot!” Dark Dan came back saying as he looked back at Addison.

“Ok Dark Dan, you really are an evil specter. That’s going to fail in the process, you know why? Because Danny is still in there and he will stop at nothing to defeat you. Now I hope you’re ready because YOU’RE GOING DOWN! Get him!” Addison shouted as he charged forward, while the others came out of hiding and started attacking him at once.

“Now, this is getting more fun by the minute. I get to take out the rest of you now too.” Dark Dan chuckled as he fired an ecto blast towards Addison. Melanie pulled out her new weapon and unleashed Hell right in front of Dark Dan. Instead of one constant beam, little streaks came flying out at over 4000 rounds a minute chewing up the ground that was right in front of Dark Dan. He had to shield his face until he went intangible and flew at the female specter. But out of the corner of his eye, he gasped when Danielle and Carlos came out of nowhere and karate kicked him so hard that he went flying off sideways through a building. Dark Dan just emerged from the giant hole, limping from the attack. “You little brats are going to pay for that.” He scowled as his eyes when solid red and his aura turned red as well.

Both of the clones gulped, before they gasped and saw Dark Dan flying towards them, punching and kicking them. He then sent them flying half way across town, unconscious.

“Dani! Cary!” Mel shouted in horror before turning toward Dark Dan, “You are going to pay for that, Dark Dan. I’m going to slit your throat like I should have done a few weeks ago.” Mel cried with tears in her eyes as she charged forward dropping the Gatling and transforming her aura to orange along with her eyes. With her blades blazing like mad, she sliced at Dark Dan with all her might as soon as she was upon him.

“You seriously got to work on your attack, lady. Face it you’re slow.”  Dark Dan replied as he dodged every move.

“Guess again, jerk face.” A similar female voice shouted. Dark Dan was confused to hear this and when he looked to see who it was, he got a face full of ecto orange energy from Melanie’s Mini Blazer and pistol. He went flying back into a parked car smashing the front windshield and collapsing the front of the car.

“That’s impossible! How can you learn to duplicate that fast in such a short amount of time?” Dark Dan asked as he saw the two Mystic Prowlers merge back into one.

Even though that took up a lot of her strength and she was breathing heavily; she smiled and explained to him that when you’re married to a dead soldier, he’s going to want more action. She can only do two, but it is worth the practice during their short honeymoon back on Skulker’s Old Island.

Addison couldn’t help but smirk at that comment and say... “That’s why you’re one hell of a woman I married, Mystic. And I plan to keep that way for the rest of our afterlives.”

They gazed into each other’s eyes before Dark Dan shot them both back into another parked car down the other way of the street. Mel landed on the hood caving it in while Addison bounced off of her and into a shop that was nearby.

“Which it won’t be for very long, Recon and Prowler, because both your afterlives end here.” Dark Dan shouted as he started to walk slowly towards the both of them. Mel and Addi tried to get up but they were both too weak from the last attack. “I’ll start with you, MP, since you’re the one that hit me last. I’ll wipe you out first and let your ghost husband watch as you disappear into nothing.” Dark Dan announced as he charged up both his hands and aimed right for Melanie’s head. Addison saw this and tried to move, but he was weak to move. He couldn’t even raise his hand so all he could shout is...

“Don’t do it, Danny! You got too much heart to hurt her!”

Dark Dan turned his head to where Addison was and said, “I’m sorry, but Danny Phantom can’t reach you at the moment for he is occupied with some other business, thank you.” The villain mocked as he turned back towards Mel and was ready to fire.

“Hey, short dark and ugly, don’t count us out yet dirt bag!” A female voice shouted from behind. Dark Dan quirked an eyebrow before he turned around and received green and purple spiral plasma ray that blew him away from the two military specters.  Addison and Melanie wondered what just happened. The both got up slowly, walked towards each other, and were relieved to hold each other again. They thought for sure that Mel was gone for good. But who was it that caused Dark Dan to go flying.

“Hey, would you two mind? I mean, we’re just starting to get into that phase.” The female said again. Both Mel and Addi looked to see that it was Danielle and Carlos, but they were completely different. Their auras turned green and purple, their eyes were solid green or purple, but there was something else. Danielle’s ponytail where it was tied on back turned into a white flame, and her nails grew longer. Carlos basically he looked ripped and a little bit taller.

“Well it looks like the colors combined, but that’s a new thing. I never did see that happen before from your older siblings.” Addison imputed as he was pointing out to the white flame of Danielle and the more muscular Carlos. Just then Dark Dan, came out of nowhere, smashing the car that Melanie smashed onto earlier.

“You two are a thorn in my side that I am going get rid of you both once and for all.” Dark Dan snarled as Danny’s body was staring to smoke.
hears the final chapter of my thrird story its split in two
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